

Morphemic form: {accək}N (Combinations)
New orthography: assik, assinga
Proto-eskimoic root: atə(ði)
Variants: {acci}N
Morpheme type: Noun base
Right sandhi: None


Form and usage:

From {atəði}, according to Fortescue et al. (2010), seemingly with loss of /ə/. Then /atəði/ ⇒ /atəci/ ⇒ /atci/, and /tc/ is then assimilated to /cc/, which is non-standard (usually, /tc/ becomes 'ts'). Thus, to avoid ambiguity, I record the stem as /accək/ rather than /atcək/.

Declension information

Stem type: Strong k-stem
Declension type: up-declined
Declension sandhi: Weakening ABS.3sg/sg Special forms
New orthography assik assingup assingit assimmut assinga
Phonemic notation accək accəŋup accəŋit accəkmut accəŋa
Notes on declension:

This stem declines with nasalation of /k/, according to Schultz-Lorentzen (1951), which is peculiar, since the final vowel is /i/, rather than /ə/, according to Fortescue et al. (2010). I have therefore decided to record this stem as /accək/, rather than /accik/. Today, some of the possessive forms have become lexicalised, but otherwise, this stem is regarded as archaic, and one of the variants is preferred.


Meaning Notes
image also 'portrait'
copy or 'something equivalent to it', with possessive endings. Examples
map Examples