
Morpheme New Orthography Proto-eskimoic English
V{'-q}V -rpoq ʀ-, ŋ(ŋ)uʀ- Subject has become Vb'ing
N{'-t}V -ppoq t- catch/kill an N
V{'-t(ə)}V -ppaa, -ssivoq utə- Agent Vb to/with/for Patient
V{'-tə}N -t un tool/means for Vb'ing
V{'-vigə}V -vigaa, -viginnippoq ðvikə- Agent Vb to/for/with respect to Patient
V{'-vik}N -vik ðviɣ place where one Vb; time when one Vb's
V{(gi)jaqtuaaq}V -artuaarpoq, -jartuaarpoq, -riartuaarpoq, -kkiartuaarpoq yaʀ(tuʀ)- Vb gradually, more and more
V{(gi)jaqtuq}V -artorpoq, -jartorpoq, -riartorpoq, -kkiartorpoq yaʀ(tuʀ)- go (in order) to Vb; Vb gradually, more and more
N{(l)liq}N +leq, -lleq, -rleq l(l)iʀ one most in the N direction
V{(l)luaq}V +luarpoq, -lluarpoq l(l)u(C)aʀ-, l(l)u(C)ataʀ- Vb well
V{(l)luinnaq}V +luinnarpoq, -lluinnarpoq completely Vb'ing
*{(p)tauq} +taaq, +saaq (p)tauq also
N{(q)cuaq}N +suaq, -rsuaq ðuɣaʀ(-) big (bad) N; bad (big) N; emphasis
V{(q)cuaq}V +suarpoq, -rsuarpoq ðuɣaʀ(-) Vb powerfully/with force
V{(q)cuq}V +sorpoq, -rsorpoq qðuʀ- repeated action
N{(q)cuq}V +sorpoq, -rsorpoq qðuʀ- Actor makes use of N
V{(q)gusuk}V -rusuppoq, -kkusuppoq yuɣ- want to Vb
N{(q)luinnaq}N +luinnaq, -rluinnaq complete(ly) N
N{(q)vaaluk}N +paaluit, -rpaaluit group of N
N{(q)vaaq}N +paaq, -rpaaq vaɣ(-) the (very) most N
N{(q)vak}N +paat, -rpaat vaɣ(-) crowd of N; huge N
N{(q)vakcuaq}N +passuit, -rpassuit great flock of N
V{(q)valaaq}V +palaarpoq, -rpalaarpoq vaɬɬaɣ- it can be heard that someone/something Vb
V{(q)vallak}V +pallappoq, -rpallappoq vaɬɬaɣ- it
N{(q)valuk}N -rpaluk, +paluk valuk- sound of Vb'ing
N{(q)valuk}V +(r)paluppoq valuk- it sounds like N; it looks like N; Actor seems to be N
V{(q)valuk}V +(r)paluppoq valuk- Actor seems to be Vb'ing
N{(q)vasik}V +pasippoq, -rpasippoq Actor lies to the N; Actor resembles N
N{(t)}V -ppoq t- catch/kill an N
V{(t)sii}V -tsiivaa, +siivaa c(c)iʀ- Agent waits for Patient to Vb
V{(t)siiaq}N -tsiiaq, +siiaq something awaited to Vb
V{(t)siicaq}N -tsiisaa, +siisaa until Possessor Vb'es
V{(t)siisə}N -tsiisaa, +siisaa in the meantime, before Possessor Vb
V{(t)siisəgə}V -tsiisigaa, +siisigaa, -tsiisigalugu, +siisigalugu Agent Vb Patient in the meantime, while waiting for Someone to Vb; until Object Vb'es
V{(t)siq}V -tserpaa, +serpaa, -tsiivoq, +siivoq c(c)iʀ- Agent waits for Patient to Vb
V{(t)siriaq}V -tseriarpoq, +seriarpoq c(c)iʀyaʀ- can easily Vb
V{(t)siriit}V -tseriippoq, +seriippoq c(c)iʀyaʀ- Vb difficultly
V{(v)vigə}V +(f)figaa, +(f)figinnippoq ðvikə- Agent Vb to/for/with respect to Patient; Agent Vb at/on Patient
V{(v)vik}N +fik, +ffik ðviɣ place where one Vb; time when one Vb's
V{-(cc)utə}N -ut, -at -un tool/means for Vb'ing; reason for Vb'ing; time when
V{-(cc)utəgə}V -utigaa, -atigaa, -ssutigaa, -utiginnippoq, -atiginnippoq, -ssutiginnippoq, -utigaluni, -atigaluni, -itigaluni, -jutigaluni utəkə- At the same time as Subject Vb
N{-(g)innaq}N -innaq, -annaq, -ginnaq ŋinnaʀ(-) just (an) N
V{-(g)innaq}V -innarpoq, -annarpoq, -ginnarpoq ŋinnaʀ(-) always/continually Vb'ing; just Vb'ing
N{-Vraq}N -eraq, -oraq ʀaʀ small N
N{-aluk}N -aluit aluk(-) group of N
V{-aluk}V -aluppoq, -valuppoq aluk(-) Vb a little, here and there
V{-aq}V -arpoq aʀ- repeated/prolonged activity
N{-aq}N -aq, -gaq thing resembling N; young of N
N{-aqcuk}N -arsuk, -varsuk aʀẑuk poor, useless N
V{-aqcuk}V -arsuppoq, -varsuppoq arẑuk Vb half-heartedly
N{-araq}N -araq ʀaʀ small N
N{-giiaaq}N -giiaat group of Ns that are all mutual Ns
N{-giiaaq}V -giiaarput Actors are all mutually Ns
N{-giik}N -giit, -riit ɣiik, ɣiit mutual Ns
N{-giik}V -giipput, -riipput ɣiik, ɣiit Actors are mutually Ns
N{-gik}V -gippoq, -rippoq kiɣ- Actor has good/beautiful N; there is good/beautiful N
N{-gik}N -gik, -rik kiɣ- one with a good N
N{-giksaaq}V -gissaarpoq, rissaarpoq Actor has good N; there is good N
N{-giksi}V -gissivoq, -rissivoq kiɣ- Actor has gotten a better N
N{-guk}V -guppoq, -ruppoq yuɣ- Actor craves N
N{-gə}V -gaa, -givaa, -ginnippoq, -raa, -rivaa, -rinnippoq kə- Agent has Patient as N
V{-gə}V -gaa, -raa, -givaa, -rivaa, -ginnippoq, -rinnippoq kə- Agent considers Patient to be (too) Vb'ing
N{-ijaq}V -iarpaa, -ajarpaa, -viarpaa, -iaavoq, -ajaavoq, -viaavoq, -iarpoq, -ajarpoq, -viarpoq ŋiyaʀ- Agent removes N from Patient; N is broken
N{-ilatti}V -ilatsivoq, -alatsivoq, -vilatsivoq ŋit- Actor lacks N; there is a lack/shortage of N
N{-iliqə}V -ileqivoq, -aleqivoq, -vileqivoq ŋiɬiqə- Actor lacks N
N{-iq}V -erpaa, -iivoq, -erpoq ŋiʀ- Agent removes N from Patient; Actor removes N; Actor has become N-free; N has been removed
N{-isak}V -isappoq, -asappoq, -visappoq icaɣ- there are almost no N
N{-isuq}V -isorpoq, -asorpoq, -visorpoq ituq- Actor fetches N
V{-it}V -ippoq, -appoq, -ik!, -ak! ŋit- Actor is un-Vb'ing
N{-it}V -ippoq, -appoq ŋit- there is/are no N
V{-kaallak}V -kaallappoq Vb very much
N{-kapsak}N -kasik kapcak(-) bad/poor/pathetic N
V{-kapsak}V -kassappoq kapcak(-) Vb badly/poorly
V{-kaq}V -karpoq k(k)aʀ-, q(q)aʀ- Vb suddenly
N{-kasik}N -kasik kapcak(-) bad/poor/pathetic N
V{-kasik}V -kasippoq kapcak(-) Vb badly/poorly
V{-katak}V -katappoq ŋtaɣ- is tired of Vb'ing
N{-katak}V -katappoq ŋtaɣ- Actor is tired of eating N
N{-kicaaq}V -kisaarpoq Actor has rather little N
N{-kigə}V -kigaa, -kiginnippoq Agent considers Patient to have (too) few/little
V{-kisaq}V -kisarit, -kisaruk don't Vb!
N{-kit}V -kippoq, -kitsoq k(k)it- Actor has (a) small N; Actor has few N
N{-kitli}V -killivoq Actor has gotten less/smaller N
N{-kitliuq}V -killiorpoq Actor has too few/little N
V{-kkut(ə)}V -kuppaa Agent reckons that Patient Vb
N{-kuq}N -koq, -ku k(k)uʀ remains of N
V{-laaq}V -laarpoq la(C)aʀ(-) Vb a little; softens a command
N{-li}V -livoq, -sivoq li- Actor makes N; Actor spends the N
N{-liaq}V -liarpoq liyaʀ- 'Actor' goes to N; Actor is on a hunting trip for N
N{-liaq}N -liaq liyaʀ- traveller to N; one who is on a hunting trip for N
N{-lijaq}N -liaq li(C)aʀ a made/fabricated/produced N
N{-lijarə}V -liaraa, -liarinnippoq Agent makes Patient into N
N{-liq}V -lerpaa, -serpaa, -liivoq, -siivoq liʀ- Agent provides/equips Patient with N; Actor turns N
V{-liq}V -lerpoq liq- begin to Vb
N{-liqsuq}V -lersorpaa Agent provides Patient with several N
N{-lirə}V -lerivoq liqə- Actor works with N; Actor feels pain in his N; niulerivoq
N{-liuccuq}V -liussorpaa, -siussorpaa, -liussuivoq, -siussuivoq Agent makes (several) N from Patient, piece by piece
N{-liuq}V -liorpoq, -siorpoq li(C)uʀ- Actor makes N
N{-liut(ə)}V -liuppaa, -siuppaa, -liussivoq, -siussivoq Agent begins to use Patient as N
N{-liuut(ə)}V -liuuppaa, -siuuppaa, -liuussivoq, -siuussivoq Agent makes (an) N for Patient
N{-livik}N -livik, -sivik container for N; place to keep/store N
N{-lək}N -lik ləɣ one equipped with N
N{-minəq}N -mineq vinəʀ piece of N; traditional food pertaning to N
V{-naaq}V -naarpaa naaq- Agent finds Patient more Vb'ing than expected; Agent makes Patient too Vb'ing
N{-qaq}V -qarpoq ŋqaʀ- Actor has N; there is N
V{-qatə}N -qat qan fellow Vb'er
N{-qatə}N -qat qan fellow N
V{-qatəgiik}V -qatigiipput suleqatigiipput
V{-qatəgə}V -qatigaa, -qatiginnippoq Agent Vb together with Patient
V{-qə}V -qaaq ʀqə- very/highly Vb
V{-riallaq}V -riallarmat, -riallartoq when Subject had Vb'ed, then ... (surprise)
V{-riaq}V -riarpoq, -riarit, -riarmat, -riarpat, -riarluni ɣiaq-, ʀiaq- set about to Vb; after Subject Vb'ed, then...; as soon as Subject Vb'ed/Vb, then...; come on, Vb!
N{-riaq}V -riarpoq, -riarpaa, -riarluni, -riarlugu ɣiaq-, ʀiaq- Vb N times
V{-riaraluaq}V -riaraluarpoq tries unsuccessfully to Vb
V{-riassa}V -riassagit, -riassajuk try and Vb!
V{-riaŋŋuallaq}V -riannguallartoq first when Subject had Vb'ed, then ...
V{-riiginnaq}V -riiginnarit!, -riiginnaruk! Vb already now, immediately!
V{-riikatak}V -riikatappoq Vb'ed long ago
V{-riiq}V -reerpoq, -reerit, -reerluni, -reerami, -reeruni ɣiiq- has already Vb'ed; Vb already now, immediately!; after having Vb'ed
V{-rijainnau}V -riaannaavoq Patient is easily Vb'ed; Actor is ready to Vb
V{-rijaq}N -riaq, -rissat yaʀ place/thing where one must Vb
V{-riutə}N -riutaa Just after Possessor Vb'ed
N{-rujuk}N -rujuk ʀuluk bad N
V{-rujuk}V -rujuppoq ʀuluk Vb a little/insignificantly
N{-rujukcuaq}N -rujussuaq enormous N
V{-rujuuq}V -rujoorpoq ʀuluk Vb a little/insignificantly
N{-ruq}V -rorpaa, -ruivoq ʀuq- A hits P in the N (usually refers to parts of the body)
N{-sik}V +sippoq ðiɣ- Actor is rather far in/to N
V{-t}V -ppaa, -tsivoq t- Agent causes Patient to Vb
N{-tuaq}N -tuaq, -suaq tuaq the only/sole N
V{-tuaq}V -tuarpoq, -suarpoq tu(C)aʀ Vb for once/at least; Vb only/solely
N{-tuqaq}N -toqaq, -soqaq tuqaq old N
N{-u}V -uvoq, -avoq, -juvoq ŋu- Actor is an N
N{-ucaaq}V -usaarpoq, -asaarpoq, -jusaarpoq ŋuðaʀaʀ- Actor imitates N
N{-ucaaq}N -usaaq, -asaaq, -jusaaq ŋ(ŋ)uðaʀ(-) something resembling N
V{-ucaaq}V -usaarpoq, -asaarpoq, -jusaarpoq ŋuðaʀaʀ- Subject keeps on Vb'ing
N{-ucaq}N -usaaq, -asaaq, -jusaaq ŋ(ŋ)uðaʀ(-) something resembling N
V{-ucaq}V -usarpoq, -asarpoq, -jusarpoq ŋuðaʀaʀ- Subject is semi-Vb'ing
V{-uccuq}V -ussorpai, -assorpai, -ussuivoq, -assuivoq Agent Vb Patients piece by piece
N{-ucijaq}N -usiaq, -asiaq, -jusiaq an artificially made N
N{-unəq}N -uneq, -aneq the highest/chief N
V{-uq}V -orpoq (C)uʀ- repeated/prolonged activity
V{-usiq}N -useq uciʀ manner/way of Vb'ing
V{-ut(ə)}V -uppaa, -appaa, -ussivoq, -assivoq utə- Agent Vb for Patient; Agent Vb with Patient; AgentVb theObject; Agent`s Vb each other (together, in a group)
N{-utə}N -ut, -at, +jut ŋutə- owned N
N{-vik}N -vik piɣ(-) real/genuine N
V{-vik}V -vippoq, -ippoq piɣ(-) Vb really/fully/completely
V{-viksuq}V -vissorpoq, -issorpoq Vb really
V{-viŋŋit}V -vinngilaq Vb not really
V{-ðakcau}V -tassaavoq, -sassaavoq, -gassaavoq Patient is to be Vb'ed (by someone=Agent)
V{-ðaq}N -taq, +saq, -saq, -gaq, -aq ðaʀ, kaʀ one who/that is Vb'ed (passive participle)
V{-ðaqaq}V -taqarpoq, -saqarpoq, -gaqarpoq Actor has Vb'ed some indefinite N
V{-ðau}V -taavoq, -saavoq, -gaavoq Patient is/was Vb'ed
N{-ŋa}V -ngavoq ŋa- Actor resembles N
V{-ŋaaq}V -ngaarpoq, -ngaarmat ŋaaq- Vb greatly; (because) it is so Vb (that ...)
N{-ŋaaq}N -ngaaq ŋaaq- considerable
V{-ŋajak}V -ngajappoq tyaɣ almost Vb'ing
V{-ŋajak}N -ngajak tyaɣ something that is almost Vb
N{-ŋajak}N -ngajak tyaɣ almost N
V{-ŋajaliq}V -ngajalermat, -ngajalersoq just before Subject Vb'ed
*{aa} +aa a(a) o ...
{aamma} aamma amma and; also
{aammalu} aammalu furthermore; Do it again!
*{aasiit} +aasiit aaci(in) as usual; now again; how typical of ...
{aavəq}N aaveq ayvəʀ walrus
{acci}N assi atə(ði) image
{accilijaq}N assiliaq, assilissat picture; photograph
{accək}N assik, assinga atə(ði) image; copy; map
{agləq}N alleq aɬɣiʀ long-tailed duck
*{ait} +aat ay if you please; right?
{aitcaat} aatsaat uv(v)atciaq not until; just now
{ajuaq}N ajuaq ayu(ẑ)aq boil
{ajuq}V ajorpoq ayuq- Actor is bad; Actor is broken/not working/out of order
{apqusinəq}N aqqusineq, aqqusernga apqucinəq road
{apqutə}N aqqut, aqqutaa apʀun path; street; way
{aqvak}N arfak aʀvaɣ edge of hand
{aqvinələk}N arfinillit aʀvaɣ, aʀvin(ə)ləɣ six
{aqvinəq}N arfineq, arferngat aʀvaɣ, aʀvin(ə)ləɣ six
{aqviqsanələk}N arfersanillit aʀvaɣ, aʀvin(ə)ləɣ sixteen
{aqviqsanəq}N arfersaneq, arfersarngat aʀvaɣ, aʀvin(ə)ləɣ sixteen
{atuq}V atorpaa, atuivoq, atorpoq atuʀ- Agent uses Patient; Agent has intercourse with Patient; Agent borrows Patient
{atuvagaq}N atuagaq book
{atuvaq}V atuarpaa, atuarpoq, atuaavoq atuaq- Agent reads Patient; Agent reads/goes to school.
{auvəq}N aaveq aʀuvəʀ(aʀ) roof beam
{aŋlagaq}N allagaq, allakkat alŋaʀ(-) letter
{aŋlak}V allappaa, allappoq alŋaʀ(-) Agent writes Patient; Agent writes
{aŋnəq}N anneq the biggest/bigger
{aŋtəgə}V atsigaaq Actor is as big as (something)
{aŋə}V angivoq aŋə- Actor is big
V{ccusiq}N -ssuseq uciʀ quality of Vb'ing
V{ccut(ə)}V -ssuppaa, -ssussivoq utə- Agent Vb to/with/for Patient
V{ccutə}N -ssut -un cause for Vb'ing
N{cuk}N +suk yuɣ, ðuɣ thing resembling N
V{gajuk}V +gajuppoq, -kkajuppoq, -rajuppoq kayuɣ(-) has a tendency to Vb
V{gajuuq}N -gajooq, -rajooq, -kkajooq kayuɣ(-) one who often Vb
V{gallaq}V +gallarpoq, -kkallarpoq, -rallarpoq ɣallaq- Vb for the time being; back then, when Subject Vb'ed; Vb for a moment!
V{galuaq}V +galuarpoq, -raluarpoq, -kkaluarpoq ɣaluaq- was (actually) Vb'ing (but/however ...); although Vb; even if Vb
V{galuaq}N -gigalui, -ugaluaq ɣaluaq- former N
V{galuaŋŋit}V +galuanngilaq, -kkaluanngilaq, -raluanngilaq Vb not a bit
V{gi}V +gujoq, +gipput, +gujaa, +gina ki- and so (at length) Vb
V{gijaq}V +giarpoq, -kkiarpoq, -riarpoq ɣiaq- go (in order to) Vb
V{gunaq}V +gunarpoq, -kkunarpoq, -runarpoq yuknaʀ-, yunaʀ- seemingly Vb
*{guuq} +gooq, -rooq, -nngooq ŋu(C)uʀ he says that ...; it is said that ...
{ima} ima imma thus
{imaluunniit} imaluunniit or
{immaqa} immaqa imma maybe/perhaps
{iput}V ipuppoq iput- row
V{juaq}V +tuarpoĸ, +juarpoq, +uarpoq ðuʀaʀ-, tuʀaʀ- Vb continually
N{kcailiqə}V -ssaaleqivoq ŋiɬiqə- Actor lacks N
N{kcaisua}V -ssaasuavoq Actor lacks N
N{kcaq}N -ssaq kðaʀ future N
N{kcaqqik}V -ssaqqippoq Actor is suitable as N
V{kcau}V Actor is Vb'able
N{kcit}V -ssippaa, -ssiivoq kðit- Agent gives N to Patient
V{kkajaaq}N -kkajaaq rather Vb
N{kkuminaq}V -kkuminarpoq yuminaq- Actor is good for/as N
{kəsiatni} kisianni, kisiat kəði- but; although
*{li} +li ɬi but; already/ever since then
V{li}V +livoq li- Subject becomes (more) Vb'ing
V{llaq}V -llarpoq, -llarmat ɬɬaq-, llaq- Vb strongly/rapidly; just as Subject Vb'ed
V{llatuaq}V -llatuarpoq Vb finally, for once
V{llautə}N -llaataa at the same time as Possessor Vb'ed
N{lliq}V -llerpoq liʀ- Agent serves Patient N
*{lu} +lu ɬu and; we (Subject(s) and I)
*{lusuuq} +lusooq just like; as if
*{luunniit} +luunniit unni(in) or; any-; not even/at all; even though
*{maanna} +maanna maðətən by the way, it is thus that ...
*{mi} +mi mi what about ...?; indeed
{miknəq}N minneq the smaller/smallest
{mikə}V mikivoq mikə- Actor is small
*{mitaava} +mitaava might it be that...?
N{miu}V +miuvoq miʀu Actor lives in N
N{miuq}N +mioq, +miu miʀu inhabitant of N
{naalagaq}N naalagaq, naalakki master; The Lord (God)
{naalak}V naalappaa, naalappoq naɣa(t)- Agent obeys Patient; Agent is obedient
V{nait}V +naappoq, +naak! Actor is un-Vb'able
V{naq}V +narpoq naʀ Patient is (such as to be) Vb'able; 'it is Vb'able'
V{naq}N +naq!, +nat! naʀ- how Vb it is!
{nauləgaq}N naaligaq naʀuɬəkaʀ, naʀuɬəɣ- spear; javelin; toy harpoon
{naulək}V naalippaa, naalippoq naʀuɬəɣ- Agent harpoons Patient; Agent harpoons a sea animal
V{naviaq}V +naviarpoq, +naviaqaaq, +navianngilaq, +naviarunnanngilaq, +naviarsimanngilaq, +naviarnani, +naviarani na- probably Vb; definitely not Vb
V{niaq}V +niarpoq, +niarit!, +niarluni, +niartoq ni(C)aʀ- Actor tries/strives to Vb; Actor intends to Vb; polite command; while Actor Vb'ed
V{niaq}N +niaq ni(C)aʀ- one who tries to Vb
V{niaqcarə}V +niarsaraa, +niarsaraaq Agent tries (despite difficulty) to Vb Patient; Agent tries (despite difficulty) to Vb
V{niaqə}V +niaqaluni, +niaqalugu just as Subject Vb'ed; even though Subject Vb'ed
V{niariaq}V +niariartoq just after Subject Vb'ed
V{niariutə}N +niariutaa Just after Possessor Vb'ed
V{niassa}V +niassammat, +niassammagu so that Subject Vb'ed
V{niassaqə}V +niassaqaluni, +niassaqalugu though Subject should have Vb'ed
V{niinnaq}V +niinnarpoq try (all the time/at all cost) to just Vb
V{niq}V +nerpoq, +nersoq n(n)iq- whether perhaps Vb
V{niraq}V +nerarpaa ni- Agent says that Patient Vb; Agent says that he (himself) Vb
V{niut(ə)}V +niupput several Subjects strive together to Vb
V{niutə}N +niut, +niutaa tool/means for striving to Vb'ing; Just after Possessor Vb'ed
N{nkuq}N -kkut nkuɣ, nkut N and companions
N{nnak}V -nnappoq nnak- Actor gets N
V{nqik}V -qqippoq nqiɣ- Vb again; is very/completely Vb'ing
V{nəkuu}V +nikuuvoq has already Vb'ed; has once Vb'ed; has never Vb'ed
V{nəq}N +neq nəʀ the act of Vb'ing; the Vb'ing of Possessor; while/during Possessor Vb'ed; before Possessor Vb'ed; because of Vb'ing; the more/most Vb'ing
V{nəq ajuq}V +neq ajorpoq does not/never Vb
V{nəqaq}V +neqarpoq Patient is/gets Vb'ed
V{nəqcaq}N +nersaq the most Vb'ing (of N)
V{nəqvaaq}N +nerpaaq nəʀpa(C)aʀ the most Vb'ing
V{nəqvau}V +nerpaavoq, +nerpaajuvoq Actor is the most Vb'ing
V{nəru}V +neruvoq Actor is more/most Vb'ing
V{nərujukcuu}V +nerujussuuvoq Actor is much (much) more Vb'ing
{nərə}V nerivaa, nerivoq nəʀə- Agent eats Patient; Actor eats
{nərəðakcaq}N nerisassaq, nerisassat food
{qupə}V qupivaa, qupisivoq, qupivoq qupə- Agent splits Patient; Patient splits
V{saaq}V +saarpaa, +saarivoq car- Agent tries to cause/make Patient Vb
V{saq}V +sarpaa, +saavoq caʀ- Agent causes/makes Patient to be Vb'ing
V{sautə}N +saat tool/means for (causing) Vb'ing
V{si}V +sivoq li- Actor has become (more) Vb'ing
N{si}V +sivoq ci- Actor buys N; Actor encounters N
N{siaq}N +siaq something acquired; something encountered
V{sinnaaŋŋuq}V +sinnaanngorpoq can now Vb
V{sinnaq}V +sinnarluni, +sinnarlugu, +sinnartoq ŋinnaʀ(-) after Vb'ing
V{sinnau}V +sinnaavoq ŋinnaʀ(-) can Vb
V{sinnautətau}V +sinnaatitaavoq Subject has been given the right/permission to Vb
N{siuq}V +siorpoq ci(C)uʀ- Actor celebrates N; Actor searches for N; Actor is exposed to N; Actor travels around in/on N
N{siutə}N +siut ci(C)un means to search for N; means to travel in/through N
V{ssa}V -ssaaq, -ssapput tya- future, 'shall' Vb; without Vb'ing
V{ssagaluaq}V -ssagaluarpoq should/would have Vb'ed (but...)
{suli}V sulivoq cu(na)li- Actor works
V{surə}V +soraa, +sorinnippoq yukə- Agent thinks that Patient Vb; whether perhaps Agent might be Vb'ing
V{t(s)aili}V +taalivaa, +tsaalivaa, +taalisivoq, +tsaalisivoq təta(C)ili- Agent prevents Patient from Vb'ing
V{t(s)ailiuq}V +taaliorpaa, +tsaaliorpaa, +taaliuivoq, +tsaaliuivoq Agent prevents Patient from Vb'ing
N{taaq}V +taarpoq, +saarpoq taaq(-) Actor has gotten a new N
N{taaq}N +taaq, +saaq taaq(-) new N
{taknəq}N tanneq longest/smaller; the longest of the two clock-hands
{taku}V takuaa, takunnippoq, takuvugut, takuuk! taku- Agent sees Patient
{takə}V takivoq takə- Actor is long
N{taq}N +taq, +saq taʀ part/member of N
N{taq}V +tarpoq, +sarpoq taʀ- Actor gathers/fetches/collects N
V{tqu}V -qquaa, -qqusivoq, -qquvoq, -qqullugu, -qqulluni, -qqunagu, -qqunani ðqə Agent bids/asks Patient to Vb; Agent requests to be Vb'ed; in order to Vb; without Vb'ing
V{tqucau}V -qqusaavoq Patient is allowed to Vb (by someone=Agent)
V{tqucauŋŋit}V -qqusaanngilaq Patient is forbidden to Vb (by someone=Agent)
V{tqusaaq}V -qqusaarpoq Actor does something to get someone to Vb him
V{tquŋŋit}V -qqunngilaa Agent forbids Patient to Vb; Agent forbids (some-/anyone) to Vb him
N{ttialak}N -tsialak nice N
V{ttiaq}V -tsiarpoq tciaq Vb fairly much; Vb a bit/briefly
N{ttiaq}N -tsiaq tciaq a fair-sized N
N{ttiaqcuaq}N -tsiarsuaq good N
N{ttiaŋŋuaq}N -tsiannguaq good N
{tunniut(ə)}V tunniuppaa, tunniussivoq Agent gives Patient (to an Object)
{tunə}V tunivaa, tunisivoq, tunivoq tunə- Agent gives (an Object) to Patient; Agent sells Patient; Agent rubs off
*{tuq} +toq tuʀ wish
N{tuq}V +torpoq, +sorpoq tuʀ- Actor consumes N; Actor uses N (for transportation)
V{tuq}V +torpoq tuʀ- repeated action
{tuqu}V toquvoq tuqu(-) Actor dies
{tuqut}V toquppaa, toqutsivoq, toquppoq tuqut- Agent kills Patient; Agent/Patient kills himself/commits suicide
V{təgə}V +tigaaq, -tsigaaq təkə- Subject is as Vb'ing (as something)
{təkit}V tikippaa, tikippoq təkit- Agent has arrived at/to/in Patient; Agent has arrived
N{təq}V +terpaa təʀ- Agent smears Patient with N
V{təq}V +terpoq təʀ- Vb gradually
V{tət}V +tippaa, -tippaa, -tsippaa, +sippaa, -sippaa, +titsivoq, -titsivoq, -tsitsivoq, +tippoq, -tippoq, -tsippoq, +sippoq, -sippoq, +tillugu, -tillugu, -tsillugu, +sillugu, -sillugu, +tinnagu, -tinnagu, -tsinnagu, +sinnagu, -sinnagu tət- Agent lets/causes Patient to Vb; Patient is (being) Vb'ed; while Patient Vb'ed; before Patient Vb'ed; Agent thinks that Patient Vb
{ujaq}V ujarpaa, ujaasivoq, ujarlerpoq ivaʀ- Agent searches for Patient
*{una} +una, +uku uv- it is ...
{uqaq}V oqarpoq uqaq(-) Actor says something
{uŋasik}V ungasippoq uŋasik Actor is distant/far away
V{vallaaq}V +vallaarpoq, -allaarpoq, +pallaarpoq vaɬɬaɣ- Vb very/too much
V{yuma}V +jumavoq, +umavoq, -kkumavoq, -rumavoq yuɣuma- want to Vb; in order to Vb; without Vb'ing
V{yumaaq}V -jumaarpoq, -kkumaarpoq, -rumaarpoq, -umaarpoq yumaaq-, yuɣuma- will eventually/sometimes Vb
V{yumagaluaq}V +jumagaluarpoq, +umagaluarpoq, -kkumagaluarpoq, -rumagaluarpoq would (otherwise) have wanted to Vb (but...)
V{yumanəru}V +jumaneruvoq, +umaneruvoq, -kkumaneruvoq, -rumaneruvoq would rather Vb (than do something else)
V{ðainnaq}V +taannarpoq, +saannarpoq Vb often/all the time
V{ðaq}V +sarpoq, +tarpoq, +sarluni, +tarluni, +sarlugu, +tarlugu ðaʀ- recurring/habitually Vb; remember to Vb!
V{ðarijaqaq}V +tariaqarpoq, +sariaqarpoq ɣiaqaq- must Vb
V{ðarə}V +taraaq, +saraaq ðaqə- habitually/repeatedly Vb
V{ðukcau}V +tussaavoq, +sussaavoq is supposed to Vb
V{ðukcaŋŋuq}V +tussanngorpoq, +sussanngorpoq is about to Vb
V{ðuq}N +toq, +soq, -tsoq ðuʀ, tuʀ One who/that Vb (intransitive participle).
V{ðuqaq}V +toqarpoq, +soqarpoq there is/are someone (who is/are) Vb'ing
V{ðuqcuu}V +torsuuvoq, +sorsuuvoq greatly Vb'ing
V{ðurujukcuu}V +torujussuuvoq, +sorujussuuvoq very (very) much Vb'ing
V{ðuu}V +tuuvoq, +suuvoq Actor is (characteristically) Vb'ing
V{ðuucaaq}V +tuusaarpoq, +suusaarpoq, -tsuusaarpoq Actor pretends to Vb
V{ðuuq}V +toorpoq, +soorpoq happen to Vb
V{ðə}N +ti, +si ðə one who Vb (of/for Patient) (active participle)
N{ŋŋiq}V -nngerpoq ŋŋiq- Actor craves N
V{ŋŋit}V -nngilaq, -nngilaa, -nngila?, -nngitsoq, -nngiliuk?, -nnginnama, -nngikkili! nʀit- not, negation
V{ŋŋitgallaq}V -nngikkallarmat before Subject Vb'ed
V{ŋŋitluinnaq}V +luinnarpoq not at all Vb
V{ŋŋivik}V -nngivippoq Vb not at all
N{ŋŋuaq}N -nnguaq ŋ(ŋ)uðaʀ(-) little (cute) N; right/just
V{ŋŋuaq}V -nnguarpoq, -nnguarnani, -nnguarani ŋ(ŋ)uðaʀ(-) Vb a little; Vb please; without even Vb'ing
V{ŋŋuaqci}N -nnguarsi oh wow, how Vb it is!
N{ŋŋuq}V -nngorpoq ŋ(ŋ)uʀ- Actor has become N; it is N o'clock; Agent makes Patient be N
N{ŋŋuqtət}V -nngortippaa, -nngortitsivoq Agent makes Patient into N