

Morphemic form: N{(q)cuaq}N (Combinations)
New orthography: +suaq, -rsuaq
Proto-eskimoic root: ðuɣaʀ(-)
Variants: V{(q)cuaq}V
Morpheme type: Nominal modifier
Left sandhi: ə-eliding (additive)
Right sandhi: aq-dropping


Form and usage:

This stem is aq-dropping before all vowel-initial endings, and also before N{-u}V. See also N{ŋŋuaq}N and V{galuaq}N, which behave similarly.

Left sandhi:

On tə-stems it it may (optionally) elide /ə/ and be affixed directly to /t/, e.g. {aputə}N, 'snow' ⇒ apussuaq (rather than the usual aputersuaq).

Declension information

Stem type: Regular q-stem
Declension type: up-declined
Declension sandhi: Irregular ABS.3sg/sg Special forms
New orthography +(r)suaq +(r)suup +(r)suit +(r)suarmut +(r)sua
Phonemic notation (q)cuaq (q)cuup (q)cuit (q)cuaqmut (q)cua
Notes on declension:

The stem is up-declined, and thus drops /aq/ before N{-up} and N{-it}, as well as before all other vowel-initial endings, but otherwise it behaves regularly. In other words, with consonant-initial endings, it behaves like a regular q-stem, but with vowel-initial endings (and the affix N{-u}V), it behaves like a regular k-stem {(q)cuk}. This is in contrast to the two other, similarly behaving affixes, N{ŋŋuaq}N and V{galuaq}N, which are both weak q-stems.


Meaning Notes
big (bad) N Sometimes (but not always) with negative connotations of 'bad N', seemingly if used on living entities. Examples
bad (big) N If used on living entities, the meaning of 'bad' rather than 'big' seems to be more natural. Examples
emphasis On nouns indicating a state of being or direction. In the latter case, it may even be added onto stems with prepositional or possessive endings, and thus rather resemble an enclitic than an affix. Examples