



This is the number 16. It is only used for counting. For the quantity, which is used for naming anything consisting of 16 parts (e.g. years, months, days), see {aqviqsanələk}N. Note that this number is singular, even though the meaning is plural.

Kalaallisut Translation Notes
immikkoortut arfersarngat sixteenth chapter I.e. chapter 16. Note that the possessor immikkoortut 'chapters' is plural, but the possessive ending is singular (ABS.3pl/sg). Thus, the literal translation is the chapters' sixteenth.
novembarip (ulluisa) arfersarnganni on the 16th of November Literally 'November's days' sixteenth'. Note that ulluisa, with ERG.3sg/pl, is often omitted, even though the ending on arfineq still is plural.
