

Subject keeps on Vb'ing


I.e. denoting a continuous action or state of being of some duration.

Kalaallisut Translation Notes
akiuutiusaarpoq he keeps resisting From akiuuppoq, 'he resists'. Note, this is a t(ə)-stem.
aliasuusaarpoq he is sad/mourning Denoting a longer period of sadness, from aliasuppoq, 'he is sad'.
eriniusaarpoq he is longing for something
allaasaarpoq he keeps on writing I.e. writing for a longer period of time.
apuunniaasaarpoq he keeps on trying to get home Denoting a continuous struggle.
ingerlaasaarpoq he keeps on walking Alternatively ingerlajusaarpoq according to DAKA, but this is irregularly formed.
uaajusaarpoq he is rocking back and forth Denoting a continuous state.
